CheckWare Plans

About the course
In this course you will learn how to automate all or parts of a digital health services using CheckWare. We will show you how you can automate decisions using processing rules.
Find out how you can easily notify the patient when new assessments or content is made available. See how easy it can be to build assessment batteries by, i.ex the beginning phase of the treatment.
Gain a good understanding of how you can easily free up time for the clinician for more patient treatment. See how patients can automatically access training materials as part of the treatment process.
The course is intended for you who are responsible for developing or further developing digital health services in your own workplace.
The course is also adapted for you who are planning and implementing a research project where automatic sending of surveys, notification to the respondent, automatic reminder when needed and correct marking of data is important.
You should have knowledge about the software at the level of completing the superuser basic course at CheckWare Academy.
You should have basic understanding of IT.
It is an advantage if you have an understanding of work processes and treatment processes at your own workplace and that you know which assessments and tests you use.
You will learn how to make plans in CheckWare that can automate all or part of a treatment process.
You will learn how to set up a research project and how to simplify the use of test batteries.
You will learn how to use treatment rules to make automatic decisions.
You will learn how you can easily assign mappings and content to patients in a structured way.
All in all, this course will give you a good understanding of how you can use the built-in process tool to get a more efficient use of CheckWare.
In addition, you will of course receive tips and advice on how to troubleshoot and test the plans that are made.
The course is run via Teams or in a physical classroom.
There will be a lot of theory, and hands-on assignments to be completed.
Course participant brings their own computer.
In those cases where the course is run via Teams, it is a very big advantage that the course participant has two screens available.
Normally we have room for up to 8 participants per course. This allows for follow-up of each individual course participant.
1 day, from 9AM-3PM CET
NB! As long as the authorities do not recommend traveling or gatherings, no physical courses will be held.
We consider digital courses where it is appropriate and with enough registered participants.