One of the fastest growing health technology companies in Norway wants to keep up the pace in difficult time and aims at hiring dozens of new employees during the year. The background is new contracts and an international commitment.

CheckWare is the market leader in software solutions in digital patient participation. The company has the ambition to become a significant international player in digital patient participation and today has offices in Trondheim, Warsaw and London.
- We have many large agreements in Norway that we manage, and it is important for us to operate as normally as possible during this tough period. At the same time, there are several new agreements that we have to comply with and we plan to enter new countries. That is why we aim to hire 10-15 people during the year, says CEO Heidi Aabel of CheckWare.
The company's solutions are currently used by 270,000 patients at 250 customers. To go international with new customers while continuing to deliver well in Norway, capacity must be increased.
Large agreement with Health North in Norway
Among other things, we have just signed an agreement with Health North for the delivery of digital measurement and assessment tools in mental health, somatics and research for all hospitals. It offers lots of opportunities and will require us to be on attention, she says.
The background for the new agreement is that the health authorities in Health North have requested the establishment of a joint regional agreement for the use of standardized instruments in mental health care, somatics and research.
The regional health enterprise in Health North has explained the award that there are no other companies than CheckWare that can provide such a comprehensive platform that also properly handles copyrighted and licensed assessment tools.
CheckWare currently has digital distribution rights to 1100 such standardized assessment tools. For all health regions in Norway, it is essential to ensure that all licensed tests are used correctly and that data security is in accordance with current regulations at all times.
The new contract has a total value of NOK 22.5 million.
- This is a big contract for us. We now have a solid foundation in somatics and research, in addition to mental health and substance abuse, where we are already the market leader, she says.
Growing business
At a time when news of layoffs and downscaling dominates the news, CheckWare is heading in the opposite direction. The company is looking for salespeople, consultants, project managers and technical resources.
- I am very grateful that we managed through this difficult period and can secure all the employees in our company. The fact is that we also need new employees who can ensure that we comply with our deliveries to customers. This is demanding, but exciting, says Aabel.
- Everyone who works with us gets independent roles with opportunities for personal development, because you work with meaningful software and forward-looking customers. We have an inclusive and busy work environment with the belief that satisfied colleagues and customers are essential to achieving good results. At the same time, we are passionate about our values, which means that we are dedicated to our customers and colleagues and want to appear reliable, with quality deliveries.
Committed to helping customers quickly through the corona situation
The great commitment has also come to the surface during the corona situation. Early in the pandemic period, Vestre Viken contacted CheckWare to establish a solution for self-registration of health personnel. They wanted a simple, digital overview of available staff and employees affected by the corona situation, so that managers and staff could avoid time-consuming administration and rather use the effort to focus on core tasks during a stressful period.
The solution that was developed is standard CheckWare software and in this case could also be used in a new area we had not even thought of. Vestre Viken saw this opportunity as they already used CheckWare for digital home follow-up of epilepsy patients.
- The corona situation has given focus to the great value of digital patient solutions and distance monitoring.
- For us there has also been a test on how we can turn around very quickly. The collaboration between Vestre Viken, Health South-East, Sykehuspartner, Sykehusinnkjøp and CheckWare worked very well, and the solution was set up within one week. We hope to include this lesson as we expand into the future, she says.
About CheckWare: The Norwegian software company, headquartered in Trondheim, is a supporter of hospitals, clinics and municipalities that want to offer digital assessments, digital home follow-up and online treatment programs to patients. Patients self-report from home and are involved in their own treatment. They take an active part in and responsibility for their own health. The customers thus get more efficient collection and follow-up of health information.