Abelia and ODA have selected CheckWare's CEO, Heidi Blengsli Aabel, as one of the foremost 50 women in tech in Norway. Heidi herself points out CheckWare's collaboration statement "This is #thewinningteam" as the main reason why she and the company have done so well in recent years. - I do not think of myself as a role model, but as a leader of a team that succeeds, she says.

For the fifth year in a row, the ODA-Nettverk (the Nordic region's leading network for women in tech) and Abelia (The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise for knowledge and technology companies) name Norway's leading women in the technology industry. The women who are relevant candidates in the award can work at all levels, but the candidates must also have a central technology-related or technology-promoting role in the company. The main purpose of the award is to increase the proportion of women who work with technology and management in business.
- If there is one thing I do wish to be a role model for, it is that leadership is to promote the team players. You must give each individual employee the opportunity to understand the meaning behind all the details we do every day and how it contributes to the whole. I strongly believe that inclusion in both setting and executing the goals is very important. This gives ownership of all the goals, which will make the results a little better every day, she says.
CheckWare has spent a lot of time the last two years building the team to establish a foundation that will stand firm, where employees will thrive and get new challenges. The company is value-driven and is just as focused on satisfied colleagues and customers as it is with financial objectives.
- These three conditions are closely linked. CheckWare should feel like a safe and exciting workplace. This in turn gives customers an experience of being taken good care of, and taken seriously in all situations, Heidi says.
The long-term work has resulted in a collaboration statement called "This is #thewinningteam". Diversity is important at CheckWare. Therefore, you will find both highly experienced employees with a background in IT and health technology , and graduates with the motivation to learn and succeed. The company is based on a mix of competence where gender, age, long experience and background do not play the most important roles in the selection criteria, but where the overall principle is that everyone can learn from each other's competence and experiences. Heidi believes that CheckWare has long proven that it is entirely possible for technology companies to attract the most talented women.
Abelia writes on their website that the role models have gained increasing visibility since the tech award for women was established five years ago. It has created an awareness of the responsibility you have as an individual to influence and inspire people around you.
- It is important to emphasize that in the technology industry there are roles that do not need a pure technology background. Do not limit your search, but be open to all types of profiles and people. We hire graduates, and we hire people with experience. We hire talented women and we are open to all types of profiles. In the technology industry, there are numerous roles to fill where one does not need a pure technology background. It is the values ​​that underlie the business we must be true to. Anchor them, follow them and communicate them - these can be the ingredients in a recipe for success, says CEO Heidi Blengsli Aabel.
You can watch the video interview in Norwegian, with English subtitles, here: